Mon 25 Feb 2019 14:42:08 GMT
- With large screens more than 3 columns are used
- Fix for
- Crashes in TexpadTeX
- Fixes for autosense to turn off TexpadTeX with incompatible packages
- Ability to open non-project files via sidebar file browser
- Ability to open project files in new tabs via sidebar file browser
- Typing a search term into Tag Search and pressing return now jumps to the first row
- On macOS Mojave, the cell selection border colour now follows standard system highlight colour
- Bug fixed whereby newly saved documents did not register in the recent items’ list
- Bug fixed whereby the document title above the editor did not show for non-local subfiles
- Global search result files are now sorted by file name
- Misc. bugs with regex search fixed
- Dark mode fixes
- Search result summary foreground colour fixed
- Typeset bar separators’ colour adapted
- Share button dropdown fixed for dark mode
- Fixed Cmd-+ for zooming in on PDF viewer
- A new pause button added above the PDF view to allow temporarily suspending live typeset
- Crash fix when clicking open PDF in Finder (since first build of Texpad 1.8.8)
Auto-update from within Texpad or download here