Mon 7 Mar 2022 22:35:08 GMT
The focus of this update is an overhaul for Autocomplete. There has been a visual overhaul for the Autocomplete popover, as well as internal changes to fix bugs and improve behaviours. This update also prepares Texpad for further autocomplete improvements in coming versions.
Some minor features added are
support in the outline view- Syntax highlighting for
Changes in behaviour
- Pressing right whilst autocompleting now cancels the autocomplete and moves right. This is a change in behaviour from the previous version of Texpad. We have made this change to bring Texpad in line with all other major applications with Autocomplete we tried.
As well as that there are fixes for
- A crash when printing an unsaved document PDF
- Image refresh with TexpadTeX when there are external changes
- Crashes that can occur in rare cases when clicking the sidebar
- Issue where live preview automatically when changing from Editor Only to Split view or Output view only
- A bug that could cause high cpu usage when selecting text in the viewer
- HSB colours in TexpadTeX
- A crash with certain TikZ documents
- A crash when deleting an item while the tpc index is refreshed
Auto-update from within Texpad or download here